Who is Terry Ann Donner, RN, JD, CCM, CSA?
A registered nurse and attorney for over 30 years, Terry Ann Donner is a Certified Case Manager and a Certified Senior Advisor. Terry began her career in caring as a nursing assistant in a hospital, earned her Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing, and worked as a medical-surgical nurse in community and teaching hospital settings.
Terry decided to go to law school so she could help clients, not only with their health issues, but with the social, legal and financial issues that prevented them from following and benefitting from their Care Plan.
Terry was hired by a large law firm right out of law school, where she focused her practice on Health Law and Estate Planning and Probate Law. She became legal counsel for a hospital system, and later worked in-house for a national managed vision care company.
Terry opened her own practice focusing on the areas of Estate planning, Probate and Elder law when her mother became ill and needed her help.
My Caregiving Journey
The most important role to Terry has been the role of daughter and caregiver. In 1999, Terry’s mother became seriously ill with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), which lead to a weakened heart and the development of congestive heart failure (CHF)
With her mother’s diagnosis, Terry made the decision to establish her own Estate Planning, Probate and Elder Law practice and opened Aging Matters LLC, her Geriatric Care Management practice, so she could be close to home to provide caregiving and care management services to her mother.
Terry’s mother passed away in 2014. Terry considers the fifteen years she cared for her mother a gift and a privilege.
Terry currently resides with her 93 year old father, who is independent, bowls, drives, carves, exercises daily and continues to do his own home repair and yard projects.
It is the simple kindness, honesty and innate decency that her parents demonstrated during her mother’s last months that has driven home what matters most to Terry. Her parents have been her greatest teachers and her best friends, fueling her passion to advocate for dignity and quality of life for the older people we love.
Terry invites you to journey with her, whether it be via her blog, newsletter, seminars or courses or by engaging her to assist you to develop your Roadmap and Care Plan for the older person you love.